
Not all projects are on this Website, but I try my best to add the best ones in the following months. Or years …let’s be realistic 😉

  • Pneumatic Straps for Ortesis and Exosceletons

    Pneumatic Straps for Ortesis and Exosceletons

    One of my favorite projects as an engineer at ILT was the „Hybrid„. The aim of the project is to combine the advantages of a wheelchair with the flexibility an exosceleton can offer. During most every day situations a wheelchair is more reliable and convenient – at least with todays exosceleton technology. But there are…

  • Die Entdeckung des Atoms – Seminararbeit im Studium zur Brownischen Bewegung & Stochastischen Differenzialgleichungen

    Die Entdeckung des Atoms – Seminararbeit im Studium zur Brownischen Bewegung & Stochastischen Differenzialgleichungen

    Als Teil eines Buches durfte ich auf die faszinierende Geschichte der Entdeckung des Atoms eingehen und die theoretischen Hinergürnde beleuchten. Das ganze fängt bei einem Schottischen Botaniker im Jahr 1827 an, der Pollenteilchen unter seinem Mikroskop „tanzen“ sieht und hört bei meinem Versuch auf das ganze im Kontext von Harmonischer Analysis und stochastischen Differenzialgelichungen zu…

  • Surface Stand – my most usefull 3D print …so far

    Surface Stand – my most usefull 3D print …so far

    I was sitting at the kitchen table, doing some home office, when I had the idea to shove my pencile case underneath my laptop. It made a nice incline for the keyboard to type on and more importantly, the screen was almost on head height, which is much more comfortable for your neck – „that’s…

  • „Maturaarbeit“ 2017

    „Maturaarbeit“ 2017

    It is quite funny to me to look back at what I did before my degree in mechanical enigneering – how I solved problems without the propper knowledge and without propper tools. Still, I am quite happy about the outcome, but more over I am really thankful to all the opportunities this pice of work…